Thursday, May 31, 2007

Microsoft Surface Live in Action

Steve Jobs and Bill Gates: Historic discussion live from D 2007

The first time in the history the two tech giants are coming on stage for an live interview. Click here

Steve Jobs live

Steve Jobs live from D 2007...Click here

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Hacking Firefox: The secrets of about:config

Ever wondered how to customise all hidden settings in firefox. Dont worry. just refer to this link.

IT Industry - An entry level perspective

A must read article for all those who are looking to join IT industry or are at entry level. Click here.

Understand relativity to know you better.

An excellent article by Piyush Gupta posted on techtribe. i thought i should share it with you all.

"The observation is as much a statement about the observer as it is about the observed."
I know I'm not pointing out anything unique again but definitely will attempt to refresh something that needs attention. Keep following.

The other day I got to read a saying on internet "A diamond with a flaw is better than a common stone that is perfect".

Wow, what a saying !!! It indeed gazes through our instincts.

It is so natural for any of us to start seeing ourselves as the diamond or the stone for the simple fact that they look like objects here and as a natural tendency we tend to compare objects in sayings with 'ourselves' as individual or 'people' in general.

However the 'common stone that is perfect' refers to a person who is not recognized for any outstanding or clearly well developed or superior characteristics.
Whereas going by the definition of words in 'Flawed Diamond' it seems to refer to people who are rare (as diamond is rare) with a lower level subject matter expertise (as they are flawed) but since diamond enjoys quite a popularity, these people must be the recipient of extraordinary recognition, unlike common stone (that makes it common).

But isn't it true that everyone of us can only be good at certain few things and not all? Since it hold true, therefore, we all are flawed at certain things and extremely well at certain few. What makes us a diamond or a stone is just the "recognition" or "recognition by the observer".

Therefore, each person is a potential diamond but only if the observer is looking for diamonds OR common stone if the observer is looking for common stones. Therefore being a Diamond/common stone goes very much in the view of the observer and not the one under observation. Hence observer is also as good an object in the saying as it is the one being observed.

A person who is not recognized for his/her good deeds will likely have low-self-esteem. I find it very important for every common stone to realize two simple things:

1. It is the observer who made him a common stone, it doesn't necessarily mean that they aren't diamond.
2. Some skills on other front demand little more attention to bring them some recognition, that may probably make them a 'Kohinoor' as they were already perfect.

All the left game is about recognition!

Lets play little Mathematics.

If I see a person X and I make the observation that X is bad, the observation is a statement not only about X but also about myself.

A person Y looking at X might make an altogether different observation. So his statement refers to his understanding about X.

Everything in this world of relative reality is relative to the observer. However, the observer thinks what he/she observes is the absolute. Everything that goes on in my mind is relative to me, however, I have a habit of believing that to be the absolute.

All beliefs are relative to the believer. Different believers will naturally believe different beliefs. Simply because beliefs are relative and not absolute.

What is the need to fight over beliefs then?

A myth called the Indian programmer

Are u a programmer? Are u an indian? Then this is a must read article for you. A Times of India article in which the author explains the indian software industry scenario - true to the core! A must read article - Click Here

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

The Google OS

The two images below are reportedly leaked screenshots from the Google OS.
I can’t verify whether they are legitimate or if they are simply cooked up by users.

Thursday, May 17, 2007

The great friend of IT quits...

Dayanidhi Maran has stepped down from the Union Cabinet owing to some political disputes within his party, DMK.

Maran has been instrumental in the growth in mobile communication sector in India. He has been dubbed as a great champion and friend of the Indian IT sector. Maran has also been instrumental in bringing in force the Semiconductor Policy in India. He also made great efforts in convincing some of the telecoms and semiconductor majors to open fabrication units in India.

During his tenure,Maran has considerably strengthened the partnership between government and industry in promoting the IT sector in India. His role in bringing major and positive changes in the telecommunications sector have been of great significance to the IT software and services industry. It has also resulted in India becoming the fastest growing mobile telephony market in the world.

Love Letter...Sandeep Khare...

Marathi special...Puneri...

ती. बाबा आणि सौ. आईस,

बंड्याचा शि. सा.न.वि . वि.
मी पुण्यात होस्टेलवर सुखरूप येऊन पोहोचलो. तुम्ही लगोलग मला बाईक घेऊन दिल्यामुळे माझी कॉलेजला आणि क्‍लासला जाण्याची मस्त सोय झालीय बरं का ! पुण्यात बाईक चालवायला जबरी मजा येते .
पुणेकरांचे आवडीचे पूर्वीचे वाहन म्हणजे सायकल. आपल्या गावात देवाला सोडलेल्या रेड्याला जसे कोणीही काहीही करत नाहीत, तसेच इथे सायकलस्वारांना कोणताही नियम लागू नाही. पोलिसांची नजर चुकवून आणि शिट्टीचा इशारा ऐकून न ऐकल्यासारखे करून हे झक्‍कासपैकी पसार होतात. काय करणार ! सध्याचे लाइफच धावपळीचे झाले आहे . त्यांचा दोष कसा गं म्हणता येईल आई ?

इथल्या दुचाकीचालकांना ऊर्जाबचतीचे महत्त्व खूपच पटले आहे. त्यांच्या वाहनावरसुद्धा तीन जण आरामात बसतात. सिग्नलपाशी लाल दिवा असला तरी ते सहसा थांबत नाहीत; कारण त्यामुळे पेट्रोल जास्त जळते . मी कुठेसे वाचले , की वळताना हात दाखवायचा, तर चौदा स्नायू वापरावे लागतात म्हणे. म्हणून हात दाखवायचे कष्ट कोणी घेत नाहीत. शिवाय हात दाखवून अवलक्षण करू नये म्हणतात. त्यामुळेच की काय काही रिक्षाचालक पायाने वळण्याचा इशारा करतात .

बाबा, तुमच्याप्रमाणे पुणेकरांनाही मराठीचे जबरदस्त प्रेम आहे हं ! त्यामुळे छे एपीीूं , , छे झरीज्ञळपस असले इंग्रजी भाषेतले फलक खरा पुणेकर अजिबात वाचत नाही . इथे सहा प्रवासी बसलेल्या रिक्षांना तीन आसनी रिक्षा म्हणतात आणि दहा प्रवासी बसलेल्या रिक्षांना सहा आसनी रिक्षा म्हणतात . आहे ना गंमत ? शाळांचे रिक्षावाले काका खूप प्रेमळ असतात .
रिक्षात १२-१५ मुले घेऊन ते मायेची भूक कशीबशी भागवितात . आई, पुणेकर फार लठ्ठ होऊ लागलेत असा अहवाल मध्यंतरी तू वाचला असशीलच. त्यावर उपाय म्हणून रिक्षावाले फक्त लांब अंतरावरचे प्रवासी स्वीकारतात . बसचालकांनाही पुणेकरांच्या लठ्ठपणाची खूप काळजी वाटते. त्यामुळे ते स्टॉपच्या अलीकडे किंवा पलीकडेच बस थांबवितात.

बाबा, येथील वाहतूक पोलिस पर्यावरणाबाबत सजग आहेत. एक कागद बनविण्यासाठी अनेक झाडे तोडावी लागतात. त्यामुळे नियम तोडणाऱ्याला कागदाची पावती फाडून दंड करणे ते गुन्हाच समजतात . मध्यंतरीच्या वादामुळे मोटारचालकांचा "लेन' या शब्दावर खूप राग आहे . "लेनची शिस्त पाळा' असा फलक वाचला, की ते हटकून ती सूचना धुडकावतात . बाबा, दुसरी आनंदाची बातमी म्हणजे मला लायसन्स अगदी होस्टेलपोच मिळाले. कसे ते मात्र गावाला आलो की सांगेन!

( ता.क. - बंटीला मोकळ्या मैदानात सायकल शिकवू नका. मे महिन्यात मी त्याला कर्वे रस्त्यावर दोन दिवसांत शिकवेन.)

तुमचा लाडका

The Most Popular Operating System in the World

What is the world's most widely used operating system? It's not Windows, Unix or Linux, but ITRON, a Japanese real-time kernel for small-scale embedded systems. ITRON runs onmobile phones, digital cameras, CD players and countless other electronic devices.
A nice article posted on Linux Insider... Do see !